Friday, 8 February 2013

How to Clean Up Rusty Marks off Fabrics

A lot of things are awaiting us at the end of the week, when it's once again time to get busy with the domestic cleaning. A lot of people today prefer to delegate this chores to professional cleaners, instead of wasting their weekend with cleaning.
And why shouldn't they with all those good cleaning services that Melbourne city provides.

There are, however, a whole bunch of things that we could clean ourselves. Removal of certain stains is something that we could handle without much problems. Removing of rust marks off your clothes might seem like an impossible job, but trust me it's easier than you though it will be.

First let's see what cleaners and detergents you are going to need. You can use lemon juice, salt, tartar sauce, commercial rust remover. Of course you don't have to use all of those at once, there are different methods and we are going to see each one of them here.

The first method requires lemon juice and steam. Simply put one pot with water on the stove top and bring the water to boiling level. Cover the pot with the rust-affected fabric and allow the steam to go through. Before that soak the stain in lemon juice. Make sure the stove top is turned off or you might start a fire.

Another method that you can try – simply lay the garment on a flat surface, put some old newspapers beneath first. Sprinkle liberal amount of salt over the spot, take one lemon fruit, cut it in half and rub the salted area with it.

In case you decide to use the tartar sauce method here is how you should proceed. Fill one pot with water and add about 6 tablespoons tartar sauce. Put it on the stove and bring it to boiling. Take the pot off the heat after that and soak the fabric in the hot solution for 1 or 2 hours. Of course make sure that fabric could bare the high temperature in first place or it might shrink.

The last method uses commercial rust remover. You can buy one from the grocery store. Read and use according to what the instructions on the label state.


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