Thursday, 16 May 2013

How to Clean Kitchen Appliances - The Dishwasher

Why cleaning the dishwasher?
No matter that this machine is used for cleaning and detergents run through it all the time,dishwashers have to be cleaned, too. Giving a throughout cleaning once in awhile is never a bad thing and if you want to keep your kitchen fresh looking and clean. Whenever the dishes are washed inside, food pieces and grease gets stuck on the walls of the dishwasher and if left to dry, they harden and become extremely hard to remove. Moreover, they leave distinctive stale smell in the machine which can turn your freshly washed dishes into a stink bomb and I bet no one likes to eat with strange smelling utensils. The odor not only kills the appetite, but is a certains sign for bacteria or mold growing. No that I've explained the main reasons why dishwashers have to be cleaned regularly, we can proceed to the next topic

How to actually clean the dishwasher.

Trusted cleaning specialists suggest that you stay green and try green cleaning methods to take care of the stains and grime build ups in your dishwasher. A great way to start is by recycling an old toothbrush and turning it into your new scrubbing sponge. Dip it into a bit of liquid dish soap and work on the area around the door. A lot of grime can build around the rubber seal and the door hinges.
Once you've taken care of that, you can proceed with using a soft abrasive detergent to get rid of dried grime. If the toothbrush doesn't help you much on this, you can use a cellulose sponge to get rid of the loosened grime. Use an old towel or rag to wipe off the gasket. Take out the dish racks and place them in the sink, for example. Check if the drain is clogged with hardened mineral buildups and take care of this too by pouring a dissolving solution in it. 

What specialists in cleaning from Deer Park recommend is that you run the dishwasher on the hottest setting and place a dishwasher-safe cup filled with white distilled vinegar. The vinegar will wash away the greasy stains and sanitize the insides of your dishwasher. You can also sprinkle a little bit of baking soda on the bottom of the machine and run it empty for one short cycle.


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