Wednesday, 1 August 2012

How Often You Should Clean Up Your Work Desk

You know Albert Einstein once asked “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what then is an empty desk a sign?” , that's a good question, that you can ask yourself too. For some people the clutter is the perfect environment and they seem to thrive on such environment much better, for others the clutter is absolutely annoying and it's something totally unacceptable.

Still no matter how much you like to work in clutter, there comes time when you have to clean it up. The question here is how often the work desktop should be cleaned? The cleaners form Melbourne state “the best way to keep everything clean is to clean it everyday”. That's great but it's easier to say it than do it in practice. Usually throughout the course of the work day, a person is busy with bunch of duties the last thing that he intends to do at the end of the day is to stay and spending time to put the desktop in order. It's one of those easy and simple tasks, that seems like something so insignificant. It's one of the things that as soon as you remember, that you have to deal with, you are getting slightly annoyed.

So what you should do then? Well, it's simple – pick one day from the week on which you will spend 15 minutes de-cluttering and set the desktop in order. I personally would pick Friday as this is the last day of the working week and people are tired. Spend the last 15 minutes from the workday setting your desk in order, get rid of the unnecessary paper, sort the documentation that you are going to use in the future, wipe off the dust from the monitor of your PC, water the flower. Put that into your schedule and try doing it for a couple of weeks and you will notice the difference. It's so simple.


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