Holidays are here and what is a holiday without candles. And with the candles come some small problems, as well. Like candle wax on you brand new tablecloth, for instance.
Cleaners Ormond area has, suggest various ways to help you deal with that issue.
One easy way, to get rid of wax from tablecloths or any other type of fabric, is the following. Start with ice cubes first. Put the cubes in a plastic bag and apply it on the wax. This will harden it and you will be able to scrape it off really easy. You can use blunt knife for the scraping task. Alternatively, your old credit card might be of some use too. If the fabric is delicate be careful not to tear it, while scraping.
Once the wax or the bigger part of it is removed take the iron and a piece of paper. Place the paper on the spot, where the wax was before and with the iron go over the paper just like you do when you iron your shirts. The waxy residues will melt down and cling on the paper. During the whole process, you might have to change the piece of paper at some point. After it's all done, wash the stain as usual.
Removing of wax is easy if you know how, of course. Some cleaning matters might be delegated to professional cleaners, you should know that. Cleaners Ormond has are at you services seven days in the week and are something you should take advantage of.
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