Keeping the rug areas clean is very important part of home cleaning. The rug is one good investment and you have to prevent its wearing. That's way you have to do some easy procedures. The most important thing you have to do is to vacuum it at least once per two weeks. Every 3-8 months you have to turn over your carpet and vacuum underneath. It is good to wash it, if you cannot do it by yourself you can ask professional cleaners. This will help you to prevent the moisture. This way your carpet will be with great colour for long time.
Here are the tips for stain cleaning.
The most important rule that you should observe is to never rub the rug! This will cause damages on your carpet. Instead of rubbing you have to blot the stain with clean cloth. If you have wax stains, you have to apply ice to freeze the spot. Then you can scrub.
According to carpet cleaning Melbourne, club soda is very good cleaning solution for red wine stains. Mix peroxide and water – 30/70 apply it for a half an hour. After that you have to remove the moister by using water and vinegar. But don't forget, always test first!
According to me, these cleaning tips are not so difficult, but if you have any problems you can use the services of home cleaning Melbourne. Sometimes it is better to spend money, but to be sure that you won't ruin your valuable rug.
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