Friday, 27 May 2011

Removing Pet Stains from the Carpet

Having pets, means you love them, but most of the time they do not “love”your carpet. Your pet doesn't make stains with purpose. In their nature is to mark their territory on the new carpet. After this ritual it is not important how new is the carpet, they mark their territory periodically. Best thing you can do is to clean the pee stain immediately after the “bathroom break” on the carpet. This will help you to avoid the bad odour.

You can apply the following tips to get rid of pet stains on the carpet.

To eliminate the bad scent use backing soda and some deodorizing solution. Just sprinkle backing soda on the top of the problem area. After that make a mix with a regular liquid dishing solution and solution of 3 % hydrogen peroxide. Pour the cleaning solution over the backing soda. Do not forget to use gloves, because the solution is pretty much dangerous.

Sydney cleaning company attending us not to use ammonia! If you clean with it you will get rid of the stain, but the smell will be still there. And your dog will return to the spot again. They can smell ammonia very good, because their urine contains it and their smell is better than ours.

Try to follow when your pet makes a mess and apply the following cleaning solution: take a bottle and put inside 50% water and 50% vinegar . The vinegar helps to neutralized the smell of urine. Also you can use wet or dry vacuum extractor.

If you don't want to have any problems with your pets, keep them outside. If you don't like it call Sydney cleaning services and they will find the best solution for your problems. 


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