Friday 29 July 2011

10 Minutes 2 Clean up Your Desk

Everyone faces the problem of having a messy desk. You put a lot of things on it, it gets really difficult to find what you need. Meanwhile, the more you put off tidying up, the more dust accumulates on all the stuff. And that makes the situation even worse.

Working there turns into a disaster. Instead of being concentrated on your work, you focus on finding your missing pen or that important document, which you got from your boss an hour ago. Here are some tips on how to clean your desk in not more than 10 minutes, provided by domestic cleaning Cheltenham.

First of all, start up with tidying. It will not only make the desk look nice. It will also make cleaning the desk itself much easier. Remove all useless notes and papers. Take a good care of all important documents. You'd better put them in a separate drawer. This is how you will avoid mixing them with all other papers.

Wipe the desk with a damp cloth. You can also use some wet towels. That will help to get rid of the dust. Wipe your computer, too. Use a soft dry cloth or microfibre towel. If there are any stains, you might need to make a solution of dish detergent and water.

If you follow the above steps once, you will have no problem with your desk. According to house cleaning Melbourne, you will only need to wipe off the dust from time to time – once in one or two weeks.


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